Sunday, January 17, 2010


It means feeling of dislike or hostility towards something...

Some people say that it appears after love is lost....
This usually happens inside the movie series as the ex-gf or bf take revenge on their ex partners...
It is actually a dumb thing. It will just make people hate them as well.
When you want a smile from one, the best way to get it is smile to the person first.
From my experience, this theory works...
So, I think do the good things and you will get good results while bad things always lead to bad results.

Hate something may not even necessary to have a reason...
People may hate things for no reason...
I do hate alot of things and the consequences are expensive.
For example, I hate my History teacher last time. It is very dumb for me to memorize those things that I don like just to show that I am not the bad student that mentioned by the teacher.
However, hate sometimes bring energy to move on with negative effects.
As I know that when people are dominated by the feeling of hate, they usually do irrational things and it always affects the health condition.

So i think we should avoid the feeling of hate. The world is full of love and fun. Hate will just bring our life into agony and miscery...

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